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About the Green Party


The Green Party is a political party and a global movement. Our goal is to elect people to office and to implement electoral and social reform to reverse the immense role big corporations and money play in world politics, in particular in the US. Our members are advocates for social justice, environmentalists, small business owners, grassroots activists, students and regular citizens. The Green Party provides a political alternative for those committed to building a sustainable and just society.


   The Green Party’s 10 Key Values:


Grassroots Democracy:  Expand public participation in the decision making process.


Social Justice and Civil Rights:  Fair treatment and justice under the law.


Ecological Wisdom:  Grow our society without damaging natural systems.


Non-violence:  Support diplomatic and non-violent solutions.


Decentralization:  Restructuring institutions to be more democratic, less bureaucratic.


Community-Based Economics:  Create sustainable, locally based economies and ensure corporate accountability.


Feminism / Gender Equality:  Equal opportunity between the sexes.


Respect for Diversity:  E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one.


Personal and Global Responsibility:  Act locally, think globally.


Future Focus and Sustainability:  With everything we do, consider the world we are leaving our children.

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